053 723 1182 pikkiepret2@gmail.com


Application form 2023

The English admission form can be downloaded here. Simply click on the “Download” button and the form will start to download on your device.

School shirt orders

The English form for school shirt orders can be downloaded here. Simply click on the “Download” button and the form will start to download on your device.

Stationary Grade R

The stationary list for grade R can be downloaded here. Press the "Download" button and the form will start downloading on your device.

Stationary Grade RR

The stationary list for grade RR can be downloaded here. Press the "Download" button and the form will start downloading on your device.

Stationary Grade RRR

The stationary list for grade RRR can be downloaded here. Press the "Download" button and the form will start downloading on your device.

Why is


so important?

"90% of a child's brain development takes place before the age of 5."

– Harvard Center for the Developing Child